Photo of Miguel Betancourt Venezuela

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My works are made of wood and most materials collection to get me on the street and assemble in works such as old wood with rusty nails, rusty iron sheets, and everything to get me that can be adapted to work , ie we can define it as the work of collection or works well mixed on wood. The paint that was used is enamel paint because it is more liquid and so I can apply it more easily. I have many influences of Jackson...

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Photo of Miguel Betancourt Venezuela

My works are made of wood and most materials collection to get me on the street and assemble in works such as old wood with rusty nails, rusty iron sheets, and everything to get me that can be adapted to work , ie we can define it as the work of collection or works well mixed on wood. The paint that was used is enamel paint because it is more liquid and so I can apply it more easily. I have many influences of Jackson Pollock but with the difference in adapt and work on external objects like wood and work in the piso.Siempre I liked the art but had never dared to paint until the day I found out that my wife was pregnant, we can say that this story was the inspiration to start doing it and so far I have received very good reviews. Not going to happen or where I will get but if you really enjoy what I do and every day I learn something nuevo.Espero like a big hug! January 2007 Online Catalog exhibition of works. Visual Arts Center of Santiago (CAVS) Chile. February 2007 Art Exhibition online virtual 1st March 2007 group show Santiago de Chile in April 2007 Workshop Ventrillon Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) Conducted by Carlos Anzola Carlos Ancheta, Alberto Asprino. Caracas-Venezuela present course. April 2007 Collective exhibition CCValle Top TAMARINDO GALLERY Caracas-Venezuela.

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